Bonnie Keating wins LaJolla Half Marathon

Interview with marathon runner Bonnie Keating

The La Jolla Half Marathon took place last weekend and Ultima Replenisher was the on-course hydration drink. Our ambassador, Bonnie Keating, took first place for overall women. Having just won the San Diego Half Marathon in March with a time of 1:19:28, Bonnie came back and won the hill-happy, LaJolla Half Marathon in a time of 1:22:35. We caught up with Bonnie to hear all about the La Jolla course and her running career.

How was the La Jolla course? We heard there were a lot of hills!

The La Jolla course was tough due to the many hills, specifically between miles 3-7. Also, the last mile was challenging, with a good amount of climbing. Although the course is tough, it is one of the most scenic races in southern California.

lajolla half marathon medal

Was this your first time running the La Jolla half?

I have run the La Jolla half marathon before, back in 2014.

What was your favorite part of the course?

My favorite part of the course is getting passed mile 7, which is after the Torrey Pines climb. Once you get passed that point in the race, no other inclines on the course compare. I also enjoyed running against the other competitors, it’s what makes racing exciting.

What tip, if any, would you give to future La Jolla half runners?

Some tips I would give to future La Jolla half runners is to make sure you add hills and strength training into your training program and also to make sure you are doing enough volume in running to be able to handle 13 miles without injury.

How do you usually prepare for a race?

Typically prior to a long endurance event I hydrate on water, sipping on a 20 oz water bottle continuously throughout the day. About 5 days out from a race, I increase my carbohydrate intake to around 60% of my caloric daily intake. During the race, I drink a mixture of water and Ultima Replenisher electrolyte replacement at every available water station. Also, every 4 miles I take a carbohydrate supplement in a chew or gel form.

Have you always been a runner?

I have been running competitively since I was 14 years old, so a total of 17 years. I also played soccer growing up but once I went to college, I focused on running only.

You have won several half marathons, is that your favorite distance?

I enjoy racing half marathons but I specifically train for full marathons (26.2 miles).

What's next for you in 2016?

The races I have planned out for 2016 are the Orange County Full Marathon May 1st, The San Diego Rock N Roll half marathon in June, America’s Finest City half marathon in August, and The Columbus Marathon (Ohio) in October. Check out Bonnie's Ambassador profile here! (Photo credit: HAYNE PALMOUR IV/SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE/ZUMA PRESS San Diego Union-Tribune Photo by Hayne Palmour IV copyright 2016 San Diego Union-Tribune)