Top Tips for New Moms to Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated by getting plenty of fluids throughout the day is vital to your health, no matter what phase and stage of life you're in (preconception, pregnancy, postpartum or in menopause.
Use our hydration drink tips for breastfeeding to keep yourself hydrated and ensure you are balancing and nourishing your body and your brain. It is essential to adequately hydrate during the dry cold winter months as much as it is during summers. Drinking enough fluids is a habit.
New moms sometimes forget to take care of themselves as they are all consumed with taking care of the baby, especially forgetting to stay well hydrated.
While it is important to hydrate yourself when you're breastfeeding, how much is enough? That depends on the size and metabolism of the nursing person. The problem with the amounts most people cite is that the original studies included ingestion of the water that is in food as well as other liquids.
So it's good to drink water, but not to force yourself to drink a certain amount that will cause over hydration. For the most part, it's for the parents health, not supply. The mom will dehydrate long before supply is affected.
Drink easy and often. Just have water around readily accessible because often when moms are nursing, it triggers thirst.
Being a little dehydrated may not affect your breast milk production, although being over hydrated, will. When you drink too much, your body tries to balance your body's electrolytes by removing the excess water and diverting it away from your breasts, to urinating it out which can actually decrease your milk supply.
Drink to satisfy your thirst and check your urine to find your balance.
One of the drinks that I suggest is Ultima Replenisher, as the minerals and electrolytes will be absorbed faster into your body than just plain water.
Disclaimer: Each person needs to check with their medical team before adding an electrolyte drink to their regime!
Staying well hydrated reduces constipation, headaches, lack of energy, muscle cramps and overheating.
Here are 6 simple tips to staying hydrated and replenished:
Make hydration drinks for breastfeeding a habit.
Drink a glass or two of filtered water first thing in the morning every day.
Hydrate easy & often.
Don't wait until the end of the day to hydrate. Find a cute water bottle and fill it and carry it with you. Manage your fluids throughout the day. Use a glass or a stainless-steel water bottle – the BPA's (bisphenol A) in some plastic bottles may contain endocrine disruptors.
Drink when your baby drinks.
Or Drink a glass of water every time you nurse. Keep a drink or ambient temperature tea at your nursing station. Never drink anything hot while nursing or holding your baby. The baby may have a startle reflex or grab suddenly causing you to spill. It's safest to drink liquids at room temperature when holding your baby.
Eat your water.
Fruits and vegetables with high water content include cantaloupe, strawberries, watermelon, peaches, oranges, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach and celery.
Liquid food.
Soups/broths are delicious and nutritious and easy to consume. Enjoy a healthy bone broth with collagen to reduce inflammation and support soft tissue integrity.
Urine test.
Drink according to thirst. An easy way to check if you are getting enough fluids is to pay attention to the color of your urine. It should be clear or a very pale yellow when you are well hydrated.
Quench your thirst.

Chantal Traub
Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Doula and Childbirth Educator
Chantal Traub is a top New York City birth facilitator, doula, childbirth educator and health coach. In her 20-plus years in practice, she has become internationally acclaimed for her expertise on educating and preparing expecting parents on the role of the pelvic floor during birthing and how best to prepare ahead of time.
Traub speaks often on the subject and she's is a regular educator for Global Pelvic Health Alliance, and has been featured on many podcasts, including “Next Question with Katie Couric”; The Women’s Health Podcast; and Yoga, Birth, Babies.
In recent years, Traub has expanded her training and health coaching practice to be able to serve the health needs of women of all ages and at all life stages.
Certifications: NBC-HWC, CD(DONA), CCCE, LCCE
You can learn more about her here: www.chantaltraub.com
photo credit: Kevin Liang